Denverite has a new website, and you're looking right at it.
I'll be honest, the old one was starting to fall apart. Specifically, for the nerds, we had what my developer friend has characterized as "cruft" and "spaghetti code."
I'm Dave Burdick, the founding editor of Denverite, and I'm just writing this today so the Denverite team can stay focused on what they do every day: Telling you what you need to know about living, working and playing in Denver.

Our old site was a custom build of WordPress made with many extra (never-used) features for a company that no longer exists. We needed to bring it in line with today's technology and build it in such a way that our technical staff can secure and maintain it economically.
For the non-nerds: When we did certain things, the website (figuratively) made noises like my old car when turning left on an incline - kind of a shrill screeching noise that you knew was gonna be a real problem eventually, but kept putting off getting fixed.
But hop in! Our car doesn't make scary noises now.
In getting this thing ready for launch, the Denverite team and our outstanding colleagues focused on you: Matching your energy, your needs, your spirit and your curiosities.
The homepage now can reflect not just what's the latest, but also a menu of stuff that'll give you a deeper look at big issues facing the region if you've got a minute to become the expert in your friend group (have you ever wondered what it takes to connect a careless scooterer with the person they sent to the hospital?) and stuff that'll give you a brain break with fun detours (let's go bowling with the Colorado Blind Bowling Association) and explanations of the hidden rules and ways of Denver and its surroundings (why is Manual High School called that?).
Surely there'll be a few technical issues to resolve along the way, and you can flag them for us by emailing us at [email protected]. You can also still email us tips there! (Please send us tips all the time, we survive on our reporting being a two-way street with you.)
Before I go - a few things haven't changed:
1. We love Denver.
2. We don't have a paywall.
3. We depend on community members like you!
Thanks for reading.