Agree? Disagree? There’s still time to make your voice heard. Plus, part of the Denverite team will be at the 16th Street Mall all day on Thursday to talk to the public about what’s working and what’s not. Come visit our booth between California and Stout near T.J. Maxx.
If you could describe the 16th Street Mall in one word, what would it be?
1. Touristy (most popular response)
2. Trashy
3. Dirty
4. Vital
5. Mixed messages
6. Generic
7. Underwhelming
8. Annoying
9. Congested
10. Questionable
11. Apocalyptic
12. Sketchy
13. Sad
14. Overemphasized
15. Compatriot ?
What are some of the reasons that you visit 16th Street?
1. I work either downtown or along the mall, so I use it mainly as a thoroughfare.
2. To grab lunch.
3. I work there.
4. To meet people for drinks.
5. Special events, like the Zombie Crawl.
6. To see a movie.
7. To use the free bus to get from one end to the other
8. Clothes shopping.
9. I try to avoid it.
10. “My first experiences on the mall were handing out plates of food with a friend to homeless folks who lived on the mall when I was in high school (10 years ago)… There's nowhere else in Denver to people-watch like you can on the mall. I think it's a shame that the general population feels uncomfortable around poverty and grit.” — Aaron Pott
What is 16th Street missing?
1. “The draw that it used to have. I knew it when beautiful department stores were a destination. It was a nice area to walk and bring visitors. Can't believe it's 'Denver's #1 tourist attraction.' Who says that? I would never bring someone from out of town to look at the junk shops, panhandlers, and trash. It was a vibrant stretch of the inner city. Now it's not.” — Jenny L.
2. Culture and personality
3. Independent, local shops and restaurants
4. Better security and enforcers of safety
5. Public restrooms
6. Getting rid of the Mall Ride buses or wider sidewalks
7. Local music venues
8. More outdoor seating at bars and restaurants
9. Higher-end hotels
10. “Recognition that downtown Denver has grown up and away from from it, and it no longer has to be a focal point.” —Steve Ferris