Hi. Today we've got shoddy homes, the long fire season, the way you can get stoned for the sake of the police and more.

Too many homes, not enough builders.
That's Oakwood Homes' justification for the fact that siding is falling off new homes. Moral of the story: Get a good inspector. (KDVR)
Fire season is getting longer.
That may be part of why the Green Mountain Fire lit the sky on Monday. (Denverite)
Let's get stoned in an RV and hang out with cops.
A training program has citizens get high in a recreational vehicle before going to meet with a bunch of officers. Sometimes they roll really gigantic joints. One person gets to has to consume both alcohol and marijuana. The hope is to bring some consistency to the application of DUI laws. (Westword)
Denver's new arts news site:
Ray Rinaldi has a new arts criticism and news venture. Read all about it. (Denverite)
What's next for Loretto Heights?
Colorado Heights University, owned by a Japanese foundation, will be vacating its 1890s-era campus at Federal and Dartmouth. The school blames a decision by the U.S. Department of Education. That will leave about 500 students looking for a new campus – and the future of the historic building up in the air. (DBJ)
The story of the Little Raven Street faces.
They were painted by a muralist and 50 high-school students, and the work shows the history of Denver. (CPR)
At least five businesses will validate parking at Cherry Creek Shopping Center.
The mall is going to start charging for all parking, but you can get validated at The Container Store, Boulder Running Company, AMC Theater, Brio Tuscan Grill and Elway's. No word on whether purchases are required. The mall claims this is all an effort to make sure people aren't using the spots without shopping, so, really, everywhere should validate.(DBJ)
Finally, CVS.
CVS will open freestanding stores in Denver and Colorado Springs next year. Currently, they're only in Target. I already transferred all my 'scripts to Walgreens. (DP)