Denver weather forecast for today, Mar. 3: A little bit warmer now

Today’s forecast: Partly cloudy until evening. A low of 30.13 degrees and a high of 61.74. Data: Dark Sky.
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Denver seen from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Feb. 12, 2017. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite) rocky mountain arsenal; kevinjbeaty; denver; colorado; denverite; skyline; cityscape;

Good morning!

Today's forecast: Is winter over? I don't know, but the high is 65 degrees again today, it will rise up to 71 by Sunday and it will bounce around the 50s and 60s well into next week. There is no sign of precipitation coming. Data: National Weather Service.

The night sky: "Vega, Deneb and Altair - the 3 brilliant stars of the Summer Triangle - are up before dawn in March."

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