Trump campaign: Here are some Colorado Republicans who still support Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s Colorado campaign has issued a list of state legislators who support him.
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It probably says something about the state of the presidential race that Donald Trump's Colorado campaign felt compelled to issue a list of state legislators who do support him.

Rep. Mike Coffman and Sen. Cory Gardner have both called on Trump to step down. Republican Senate candidate Darryl Glenn is going back and forth. Most recently he said his endorsement is "suspended" until he can meet in person with the candidate. Former Gov. Bill Owens issued a statement via Facebook that said the party is "under attack by a charlatan."

The rest of Colorado's Republican delegation -- Rep. Ken Buck, Rep. Scott Tipton, Rep. Doug Lamborn -- have all affirmed their support for Trump.

And 19 state representatives and senators signed on to this statement:

“As an elected official and Republican leader I fully support the Republican nominee for President Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump presents a unique opportunity for America to move in a decidedly different direction. With the Supreme Court at risk, this is the time for those in leadership to stand strong and unified.”

For the record, there are 31 Republicans in the state House and 12 on this list. There are 18 Republicans in the state Senate and seven on this list.

An interesting omission is state Rep. Clarice Navarro, who spoke in support of Trump at the Western Conservative Summit.

Update: Navarro told the Colorado Statesman she supports "all the Republican candidates on the ballot" despite not signing the statement.

Here are the Republicans who signed:

Rep. Jon Becker, District 65

Rep. Paul Brown, District 59

Rep. Perry Buck, District 49

Rep. Polly Lawrence, District 39

Rep. Tim Leonard, District 25

Rep. Paul Lundeen, District 19

Rep. Patrick Neville, District 45

Rep. Dan Nordberg, District 14

Rep. Bob Rankin, District 57

Rep. Lori Saine, District 63

Rep. Jim Wilson, District 60

Rep. Joann Windholz, District 30

Sen. John Cooke, District 13

Sen. Kent Lambert, District 9

Sen. Vicki Marble, District 23

Sen. Tim Neville, District 16

Sen. Ray Scott, District 7

Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg, District 1

Sen. Laura Woods, District 19

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